


I am joining the #100DayOfHomeLab challenge and as part of this effort I am going to use that time to teach myself something new.

I love the Nautobot and use it all the time at home and at work. I have always deployed this on a standard ubuntu VM, but recently I started to gain interest in deploying it with docker while learning how to create a Nautobot Application. This lead me to looking at Kubernetes and watching a lot of youtube videos on setting up kubernetes. Now I wondered how can I deploy nautobot inside my k3s cluster? Fortunatly there are examples out there and so I stand on the shoulders of those who have figured this all for me.

For great walk throughs on k3s, traefik, metallb and deploying your cluster with ansible have a look here, and for flux check this out.

For the original content to the majority of my walk through check out this blog series from networktocode - part 1, part 2, and part 3

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